Source code for launchlibrary.async_models

from launchlibrary.models import *
from async_lru import alru_cache
from .network import Network

[docs]class BaseAsync(BaseModel): def __init__(self, network: Network, param_translations: dict, proper_name: str): # Gotta use explicit params for it to work correctly super().__init__(network, param_translations, proper_name)
[docs] @classmethod async def fetch(cls, network: Network, **kwargs): """ The fetch method implements fetch with an async HTTP GET function. :param network: A network instance :param kwargs: args for the api call :return: objects based on BaseAsync """ kwargs = utils.sanitize_input(kwargs) json_object = await network.async_send_message(cls._endpoint_name, kwargs) classes = cls._create_classes(network, json_object) return classes
# All async models should be based on this, and all functions that use fetch should be reimplemented
[docs]class AsyncAgency(Agency, BaseAsync): """A class representing an async agency object."""
[docs]class AsyncLaunch(Launch, BaseAsync): """A class representing an async launch object."""
[docs]class AsyncUpcomingLaunch(UpcomingLaunch, BaseAsync): """A class representing an upcoming launch object."""
[docs] @classmethod async def next(cls, network: Network, num: int): """ Get the next {num} launches. :param network: A network instance :param num: a number for the number of launches """ return await cls.fetch(network)
[docs]class AsyncPad(Pad, BaseAsync): """A class representing an async pad object.""" pass
[docs]class AsyncLocation(Location, BaseAsync): """A class representing an async Location object.""" pass
[docs]class AsyncRocket(Rocket, BaseAsync): """A class representing an async rocket.""" @staticmethod @alru_cache() async def _get_pads_for_id(network: Network, pads: str): return await AsyncPad.fetch(network, id=pads)
[docs] async def get_pads(self) -> List[AsyncPad]: """Returns Pad type objects of the pads the rocket uses.""" pad_objs = [] if self.default_pads: pad_objs = await AsyncRocket._get_pads_for_id(, self.default_pads) return pad_objs