Source code for launchlibrary.models

# Copyright 2020 Nir Harel
#    Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
#    you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
#    You may obtain a copy of the License at
#    Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
#    distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
#    WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
#    See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

from unidecode import unidecode
from dateutil import parser
from dateutil import relativedelta
from functools import lru_cache
import datetime
from typing import List
from launchlibrary import utils
from .network import Network

# Set default dt to the beginning of next month
DEFAULT_DT =, hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) \
             + relativedelta.relativedelta(months=1)


[docs]class BaseModel: """The base model class all models should inherit from. Provides fetch and other utility functionalities. :_endpoint_name: The endpoint to use in the api :_nested_name: The name of that will appear in nested results. "Agencies" and the such. ========= =========== Operation Description --------- ----------- x == y Checks if both objects are of the same type and have the same id. ========= =========== """ _endpoint_name = "" _nested_name = "" def __init__(self, network: Network, param_translations: dict, proper_name: str): """ All launchlibrary models should inherit from this class. Contains utility and fetch functions. :param network: An instance of the Api class. :param param_translations: Translations from API names to pythonic names. :param proper_name: The proper name for use in __repr__ """ = network # param translations serves both for pythonic translations and default param values self._param_translations = param_translations self.proper_name = proper_name self.param_names = self._param_translations.values()
[docs] @classmethod def fetch(cls, network: Network, **kwargs) -> list: """ Initializes a class, or even a list of them from the api using the needed params. :param network: An instance of the network class :param kwargs: Arguments to include in the GET request """ kwargs = utils.sanitize_input(kwargs) json_object = network.send_message(cls._endpoint_name, kwargs) classes = cls._create_classes(network, json_object) return classes
[docs] @classmethod def init_from_json(cls, network: Network, json_object: dict): """ Initializes a class from a json object. Only single classes. :param network: launchlibrary.Network :param json_object: An object containing the "entry" we want to init. :return: cls """ cls_init = cls(network) cls_init._set_params_json(json_object) cls_init._postprocess() return cls_init
@classmethod def _create_classes(cls, network: Network, json_object) -> list: """ Creates the required classes from the json object. :param network: :param json_object: :return: """ classes = [] for entry in json_object.get("results", []): cls_init = cls(network) cls_init._set_params_json(entry) cls_init._postprocess() classes.append(cls_init) return classes def _set_params_json(self, json_object: dict): """Sets the parameters of a class from an object (raw data, not inside "agencies" for example)""" self._modelize(json_object) for api_name, pythonic_name in self._param_translations.items(): data = json_object.get(api_name, None) # If the data is a string, and the unicode option is set to false if isinstance(data, str) and DO_UNIDECODE: data = unidecode(data) setattr(self, pythonic_name, data) def _modelize(self, json_object): """Recursively goes over the json object, looking for any compatible models. It's recursive in an indirect way (through set_params_json).""" for key, val in json_object.items(): if key in MODEL_LIST_PLURAL.keys(): if val and isinstance(val, list): if len(val) > 0: json_object[key] = [MODEL_LIST_PLURAL[key].init_from_json(, r) for r in val] elif key in MODEL_LIST_SINGULAR.keys(): # if it is a singular if val and isinstance(val, dict): if len(val) > 0: json_object[key] = MODEL_LIST_SINGULAR[key].init_from_json(, val) def _postprocess(self): """Optional method. May be used for model specific operations (like purging times).""" pass def _get_all_params(self) -> dict: return {k: getattr(self, k, None) for k in self.param_names} def __repr__(self) -> str: subclass_name = self.proper_name variables = ",".join("{}={}".format(k, v) for k, v in self._get_all_params().items()) return "{}({})".format(subclass_name, variables) def __eq__(self, other): return hash(self) == hash(other) def __hash__(self): return hash(getattr(self, "id", None)) + hash(type(self)) def __getattr__(self, item): """ This function will allow the user to use the standard, non pythonic api names for the fields returned by the api It's possible that the user will want to use API names like infoURLs, instead of info_urls. We can allow this using our param_translation dictionaries. """ if item in self._param_translations: return getattr(self, self._param_translations[item], None)
[docs]class Agency(BaseModel): """A class representing an agency object.""" _nested_name = "agencies" _endpoint_name = "agency" def __init__(self, network: Network): param_translations = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'abbrev': 'abbrev', 'type': 'type', 'description': 'description', 'country_code': 'country_code', 'wiki_url': 'wiki_url', 'info_url': 'info_url', 'changed': 'changed'} = None = None self.abbrev = None self.type = None self.description = None self.country_code = None self.wiki_url = None self.info_url = None self.changed = None proper_name = self.__class__.__name__ super().__init__(network, param_translations, proper_name)
[docs]class Launch(BaseModel): """A class representing a launch object. You may use the **'windowstart'**, **'windowend'**, and **'net'** params to access datetime objects of the times. They'll be 'None' if the conversion fails. The comparison magic methods that are implemented essentially compare the dates of the two objects. ========= =========== Operation Description --------- ----------- x < y Checks if launch y occurs before launch x. x > y Checks if launch x occurs before launch y. ========= ===========""" _nested_name = "launches" _endpoint_name = "launch" def __init__(self, network: Network): self.datetime_conversions = {} param_translations = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'tbddate': 'tbddate', 'tbdtime': 'tbdtime', 'status': 'status', 'inhold': 'inhold', 'window_start': 'windowstart', 'window_end': 'windowend', 'net': 'net', 'infoURLs': 'info_urls', 'vidURLs': 'vid_urls', 'holdreason': 'holdreason', 'failreason': 'failreason', 'probability': 'probability', 'hashtag': 'hashtag', 'lsp': 'agency', 'changed': 'changed', 'pad': 'pad', 'rocket': 'rocket', 'missions': 'missions'} = None = None self.tbddate = None self.tbdtime = None self.status = None self.inhold = None self.windowstart = None self.windowend = None = None self.info_urls = None self.vid_urls = None self.holdreason = None self.failreason = None self.probability = None self.hashtag = None self._lsp = None self.changed = None self.pad = None self.rocket = None self.missions = None proper_name = self.__class__.__name__ super().__init__(network, param_translations, proper_name) def _postprocess(self): """Changes times to the datetime format.""" for time_name in ["windowstart", "windowend", "net"]: try: # Will need to modify this if we ever implement modes other than detailed setattr(self, time_name, parser.parse(getattr(self, time_name, ""))) except (ValueError, TypeError): # The string might not contain a date, so we'll need to handle it with an empty datetime object. setattr(self, time_name, None) def __lt__(self, other: "Launch") -> bool: return < def __gt__(self, other: "Launch") -> bool: return >
[docs]class UpcomingLaunch(Launch): _nested_name = "launches" _endpoint_name = "launch/upcoming" def __init__(self, network: Network): super().__init__(network)
[docs] @classmethod def next(cls, network: Network, num: int) -> List["UpcomingLaunch"]: """ A simple abstraction method to get the next {num} launches. :param network: An instance of launchlibrary.Api :param num: a number for the number of launches """ return cls.fetch(network, next=num, status=1)
[docs]class Pad(BaseModel): """A class representing a pad object.""" _nested_name = "pads" _endpoint_name = "pad" def __init__(self, network: Network): param_translations = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'latitude': 'latitude', 'longitude': 'longitude', 'map_url': 'map_url', 'retired': 'retired', 'total_launch_count': 'total_launch_count', 'agency_id': 'agency_id', 'wiki_url': 'wiki_url', 'info_url': 'info_url', 'location': 'location', 'map_image': 'map_image'} = None = None self.latitude = None self.longitude = None self.map_url = None self.wiki_url = None self.info_url = None self.agency_id = None self.total_launch_count = None self.location = None self.map_image = None proper_name = self.__class__.__name__ super().__init__(network, param_translations, proper_name)
[docs]class Location(BaseModel): """A class representing a location object.""" _nested_name = "locations" _endpoint_name = "location" def __init__(self, network: Network): param_translations = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'country_code': 'country_code', 'total_launch_count': 'total_launch_count', 'total_landing_count': 'total_landing_count', 'pads': 'pads'} # pads might be included w/ launch endpoint = None = None self.country_code = None self.total_launch_count = None self.total_landing_count = None self.pads = None proper_name = self.__class__.__name__ super().__init__(network, param_translations, proper_name)
[docs]class Rocket(BaseModel): """A class representing a rocket object.""" _nested_name = "rockets" _endpoint_name = "config/launcher" def __init__(self, network: Network): param_translations = {'id': 'id', 'name': 'name', 'defaultPads': 'default_pads', 'family': 'family', 'wiki_url': 'wiki_url', 'info_url': 'info_url', 'image_url': 'image_url', } = None = None self.default_pads = None = None self.wiki_url = None self.info_url = None self.image_url = None proper_name = self.__class__.__name__ super().__init__(network, param_translations, proper_name) @staticmethod @lru_cache() def _get_pads_for_id(network: Network, pads: str): return Pad.fetch(network, id=pads)
[docs] def get_pads(self) -> List[Pad]: """Returns Pad type objects of the pads the rocket uses.""" pad_objs = [] if self.default_pads: pad_objs = Rocket._get_pads_for_id(, self.default_pads) return pad_objs
# putting it at the end to load the classes first MODEL_LIST_PLURAL = {"launch_service_providers": Agency, "pads": Pad, "locations": Location , "rockets": Rocket, "launcher_list": Rocket} MODEL_LIST_SINGULAR = {"launch_service_provider": Agency, "manufacturer": "Agency", "pad": Pad, "location": Location, "rocket": Rocket, "lsp": Agency}